Benjamin Brandt


Benjamin Brandt is a financial advisor and retirement content creator, known for his insightful guidance and expert advice on achieving a secure and fulfilling retirement. With a rich background in finance and a passion for educating others, Benjamin is working diligently on his career goal of having a meaningful impact on one million retirements. Growing up in Bismarck, North Dakota, Benjamin developed a keen interest in financial planning from a young age. He has fond memories of his grandfather introducing him to personal finance by manually tracking his laddered CDs on spreadsheets. He pursued his passion academically, earning a degree in economics from the University of North Dakota. Benjamin is the president and founder of Capital City Wealth Management, a Registered Investment Advisory firm dedicated to helping retirees across the country. His expertise spans various areas of retirement planning, including investment management, tax planning, and retirement income strategies. As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP), Benjamin’s commitment to his clients is evident in his personalized and holistic approach to retirement planning. In addition to his advisory work, Benjamin is the host of the popular podcast, “Retirement Starts Today,” where he shares practical advice, interviews industry experts, and addresses common financial concerns faced by those nearing or in retirement. His engaging and approachable style has garnered a loyal following of listeners seeking to enhance their financial literacy and retirement readiness. Benjamin's written contributions further demonstrate his dedication to empowering others with the knowledge and tools needed for retirement success. His work has been featured in Forbes, Kiplinger’s, CNBC, Yahoo News, and others, earning him recognition as a trusted voice in the retirement community. When not advising clients or creating retirement content, Benjamin enjoys youth sports and is an active supporter of girl’s hockey. He resides in Bismarck with his wife Kristen, six children, and their dog Kenny Rogers. If you ever encounter Benjamin’s family in public, you will hear them before you see them.


