Kate Dakin is a 25-year-old author who lives in Western Junction, central Tasmania, with her mother, father and (before they left home to begin their own life journeys) her brothers, Aaron and Jared. Kate’s love for literature and storytelling began at a young age, and she passed many hours of her childhood and teenage years writing, in her own words, ‘short stories, lengthy stories, absolute gibberish and, occasionally, something more’. Kate’s fascination for old-fashioned haunted houses, as well as her love of classic horror stories, inspired her to write this, her debut novel. When she’s not writing, Kate studies Education at the University of Tasmania, works part-time as a receptionist in the dental and veterinary industries and loves spending quality time with her expert writing partner and loyal companion, Columbus the cat, whose quirky personality provided inspiration for one particular character in the book. No prizes for guessing who!