Jim Haslam

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Don’t tell me how educated you are; tell me how much you have traveled. When a NIAID scientist asked: Who are you? I reminded him of his own metaphor, comparing scientists to ants—because an army of ants uncovered the truth about this origin story. And no, Mr. Science, I’m not anti-vax; I’ve had my third-world boosters, unlike you. That’s why you can’t recognize that the virus was the vaccine.

No, I don’t do conspiracies—Oswald was the lone gunman, and the Saudis did 9/11. But in January 2020, I was doing what I do best: minding my own business. Then came news of a mysterious pneumonia from a mysterious town named Wuhan—but it became the first clue of many.

Most assumed it had leaked, but the evidence would be buried in a tomb. Others thought it was Chinese junk that would burn out by summer. But the transmissible animal vaccine had legs longer than this camel and roared back in winter. In the end, a pyramid of evidence was buried in our own backyard.

jimhaslam at substack dot com

Houston, Texas, USA

