Charlotte Doornhein, MSc. is a psychologist, jiu-jitsu (jūjutsu) trainer, author, School Writer, and Rites of Passage facilitator. As a children's and YA literature writer, she has published several books in the Netherlands and the Caribbean. Charlotte works as a School Writer in elementary schools and teaches children - from grade 1 till grade 6 – creatively and enthusiastically about books, reading, and writing. As a jiu-jitsu trainer, she spends many hours in the dojo, where she teaches self-defense and the philosophy of the samurai to children and adults. Charlotte also has experience supporting mothers and young girls during Rites of Passage (ROP) transitions, such as multi-day women's festivals and mother-daughter weekends and -days. Charlotte lives in Europe, the Netherlands, in a small village near the capital, Amsterdam, together with her husband, two sons, and their dogs.