Talia Frayre Martinez

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Talia Frayre Martinez is a mother of two and married to her sweet husband. Together alongside her husband, they live to show and reflect God's heart and help impact the world through prayer and Jesus amazing never-ending grace. She is a Christian author who finds joy in writing children's books that inspire and uplift. As a devoted wife and mother, her faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of her life and writing. She is a self-proclaimed bookworm and comic book nerd, her passion for reading inspires her love for storytelling and building imaginative worlds for future generations to enjoy. When she's not lost in the pages of a book or crafting captivating stories for young readers, you can find her enjoying a cup of coffee, dancing under the stars, or worshipping the Lord with all her heart.

Follow along on Instagram @authortaliafrayremartinez for new upcoming adventures and new book releases.
