After battling work related cancer three times, firefighter Rudy Pospisil embarked on an extraordinary journey: cycling around the world. His inspiring quest is captured in the feature documentary film, Spoke, which chronicles Rudy’s determination, resilience, and the powerful story of his fight for life and adventure. For ten years, Rudy pedaled 29,000 kilometres around the world, following the strict circumnavigation rules of Guinness World Records. His gripping newspaper blog attracted over a million hits, and his weekly radio interviews on Vancouver’s News 1130 built a dedicated following. Now, Rudy’s epic journey is immortalized on film, capturing every triumph and trial along the way. After a distinguished 30-year career with the Burnaby Fire Department, rising to the rank of Captain, recipient of Governor General Award Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal, Rudy Pospisil—a BC Institute of Technology engineering graduate— devotes his time to making a difference. As a volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Branch, he assists in personal disaster recovery, while his powerful public speeches inspire audiences worldwide. He lives in Vancouver, Canada where he spends time cycling, hiking, skiing, and planning his next adventure. Write me
Rudypospisil75 at hotmail