Martha Roo


I started writing at 30 years old with a newborn and a fresh divorce. I had tried everything the way my family wanted me to do it - and I saw where that got me. I was a successful stockbroker who dreaded every day of work. I just couldn't picture myself still in that chair at 60. Well... Here I am at 65 and boy, am I glad I walked away. Sure, the money was tight for a long time but when I look back at the past 33 years here's what I see: Stringer for the Washington Post, national columnist with 4 million readers a month, contributor to almost every major news outlet, co-creator of the Oriceran Universe, author of best-selling UF series, The Leira Chronicles - and now a new series on Amazon. Like I said, this book is for all of us who find the courage to just be ourselves on any given day and want to make the most of it. Over and over again. More adventures to follow.



