SHAWNA SAARI Shawna, a native Californian, currently resides in Shanghai, China. She has been an avid fan of Moonlighting since 1985 and has followed the careers of Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd closely ever since. Throughout the years, Moonlighting has been something she comes back to for the fun, the nostalgia, the banter! But it has been more than just a TV show to watch for her. Moonlighting has inspired her creativity over the years through fan fiction writing and editing videos featuring clips of the show set to music. Now, through hosting Moonlighting the Podcast, new people, experiences, and opportunities have come into her life. Who’d a thunk that a show she watched as a teen could lead to all this; it truly reaffirms the belief that you should follow your passion, no matter how silly it seems, because you never know where it might lead! Aside from analyzing the sixty-six episodes, Shawna "moonlights" as a teacher and often runs off to a foreign country (not necessarily to hide under a bed) where she can be found in a classroom, on a tennis court, cycling, or enjoying some food and drink in an exotic local.