James Vast has spent many sleepless nights pondering the mysteries of the universe. Quantum physics has always had an undeniable magnetism. Ever since he was a boy, he’s been captivated by the possibilities of teleportation and alternate dimensions, endlessly contemplating these enigmas. Over the years, his enthusiasm has often led to lengthy conversations, much to the bemusement of his wife, whose eyes glaze over as he delves into complex concepts, problem sets, and thought experiments. It was during one such monologue that James had a revelation and decided to spare his wife and write a book! His mission? To make quantum physics accessible and engaging for everyone. A passionate enthusiast and lifelong learner, James has a natural gift for teaching and a knack for paring down complex concepts. James offers clear explanations, an approachable tone, and a touch of humor. His goal is to ensure that anyone, regardless of background, can grasp the fascinating world of quantum physics and see it with the same awe that inspires him. He lives in Vermont with his wife and his cats Schrödinger and Penelope.