Alma Vinter


Writing, for me, means dissolving into these old stories and looking beyond the past, to the times when I was rejected, hurt, damaged, and torn apart, where I suffered, where I fought, if that was the case. All I have done is write, and it has become good work. I hope this book has touched your souls. I love you all very much. I value every piece of feedback. Everything you share with me means a lot to me. "I live and think unconventionally and believe in personal strength. Energy follows the flow of thoughts." Writing gives you the power to evolve. I did not yet understand that the more consciously I made decisions in my life, the stronger and more self-reliant I would become. I live and think outside conventions, and energy flows where the mind goes. I write to better understand myself, to find clarity about the past, to situate myself in the present and future, and to discover the best moments in this world.


