Sandra Araújo

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Sandra Araújo was born and brought up in Portugal to a Luso-African family. She graduated in History in 2001 and concluded her MA. in Contemporary History in 2008 at FCSH/Nova. Then she did her doctorate in Anthropology also at FCSH/NOVA, which she completed in 2018. In 2022, she was awarded with the First Book Grant from the Independent Social Research Foundation, with the project that turned into her book, Spying on Muslims in Colonial Mozambique, 1964–74 (Bloomsbury Academic Press). For the duration of the award, Sandra was Visiting Research Fellow at the Global History and Culture Centre, University of Warwick. Currently, Sandra is Junior Researcher at Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal). Her research on colonial intelligence in Luso-Africa is strongly interdisciplinary. It also draws upon extensive archival research and oral history sources, to clarify the many links between state intelligence agencies and counterinsurgency at the twilight of the Portuguese Empire.
