Michele Kuntz


Michele Kuntz is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker originally from Seattle, Washington. At a young age, Michele loved her dogs and visiting her older adult neighbors to hear their life stories. Michele attended the University of Washington, and on the weekends, she and her Doberman Pinscher, Lulu, visited patients at Bailey-Boushay House, an inpatient long-term care facility for people with HIV/AIDS as well as end-of-life care. Michele enjoyed sharing her Doberman, a stigmatized dog breed, with patients who were also often stigmatized. Michele realized she wanted to work with and help older adults and went back to college to get her Master of Social Work from the University of Denver, specializing in geriatrics. Michele currently lives in Denver with her partner, Stefan. She still loves spending time with her dogs, and the hysterical events that often occurred with her family and dogs inspired her to write her first children’s book to share their wit and humor with readers.

