Jessica McGarry Bartlet

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Jessica McGarry Bartlet is a professional artist. She grew up in Southeast Connecticut and graduated from St. Bernard High School. Bartlet attended Eastern Michigan University and received a BFA with a concentration in Drawing in 2005. She attended the New York Studio School for the 2007 Drawing Marathon with Graham Nickson and as an MFA candidate at Western Connecticut State University from 2007 to 2009. She held a residency at the Vermont Studio Center in the spring of 2010 and was accepted as a member, via invitation, to the First Street Gallery, an artist-run gallery in New York City in 2010. Bartlet currently serves on the board of First Street. She teaches art history at Post University and Naugatuck Valley Community College and still prioritizes teaching watercolor for EdAdvance continuing education. Bartlet lives in Northwest, CT, and published her first book, Backyard Wilderness, in 2024.
