Tae-min Oh


Tae-min Oh is the CEO of Otaverse Co., Ltd. and an adjunct professor in the Blockchain Department at the Graduate School of Information and Communication at Konkuk University. Since his chance discovery of Bitcoin in 2014, he has been interpreting and promoting Bitcoin based on deep thinking and knowledge in the humanities. Through his YouTube channel “Genealogy of Wisdom,” he openly discusses Bitcoin and engages with the public. For about five years since 2017, he has contributed the ‘Bitcoin A to Z’ series to Hankyung Business, and in 2022, he was the first to give a public channel lecture on the topic of ‘Bitcoin’ on EBS, titled “Oh Tae-min's Bitcoin That Only You Didn't Know” (12 Episodes). In the process, his logic and explanations have become essential for those wanting to understand Bitcoin. His first book, Order of the Margin (1993, Ilgum), was written and published while he was a student in the Department of Business Administration at Yonsei University. In the book, he argued for the advent of the network world and the need for a transition to a decentralized, distributed system. Since then, he has released a series of books including Order of the Margin (1993), Priming Water Essay (2007), Humanistic Imagination (2012), Economic Imagination (2013), Bitcoin Was Strong (2014), Smart Contract: Trust Revolution (2018), Bitcoin: A Genealogy of Wisdom (2020), Metaverse and the Future of Money (2022), and Bitcoin and the Geopolitics of the Dollar (2023).

