Maryana Kushnir

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Maryana Kushnir is a journalist and storyteller from Kyiv, Ukraine. With years of experience writing for the "Health" sections of Good Housekeeping Ukraine, Woman's Journal Health, Pink, Sensa, and DoctorGeo, she has honed her skill in explaining complex medical topics in a way that readers of all ages can understand.

Now working in content marketing, Maryana combines her expertise with her love for creative storytelling to create the Medical Tales, a series where bedtime stories double as guided tours through the human body. This is the first book in the series, an adventure into the world of sniffles and sneezes to help children understand what happens when they catch a cold. Up next is an even wilder journey into the complex, shape-shifting realm of viruses - the sequel where the plot thickens, the villains get trickier, and the science gets sneakier.
