CJ Steedman


A little bit about me so that you know why you can trust me to help you on this journey. My name is CJ Steedman I live in Yass River NSW, Australia, on 120 acres with my family. I grew up on a farm with my parents; however, I left in my teens to find work. As an adult, I decided that farming was too ingrained in my blood, and I wanted to go back to the land. Luckily, even though I was a single mom at the time, I met a wonderful man who has never said no to any of my crazy schemes or dreams. I refer to him often as the Handy Helper, and without his assistance, I would have never been able to do the things that I've done. I have pasture-raised chickens for meat and eggs. I also raise goats for meat, fiber and milk. The farm is expanding to include beef and dairy cattle, and I'm also a beekeeper. Deep down, I consider myself a true homesteader, as I try as hard as I can not to purchase anything from the supermarkets. Obviously, in this modern day and age, that's a really hard thing to do, but I do believe that we can get to a point where we are only buying the bare minimum from a supermarket or store. Toilet paper, for example, is obviously one thing that we will never be able to replace, although I have considered going to washable wipes; that's really stretching the friendship with my family. Pretty much everything else in my house could be grown, raised or made within my home This series of books is designed to help you do what I'm doing, which is breaking away from the horrible cycle of being stuck at the supermarket and instead being as self-sufficient as possible so that you too can Ditch the Store. I hope that this series will give you the information you need to make this journey, and I would love to hear your story. You can reach me at Mojo Homestead on all the social sites, and I encourage you to link Mojo Homestead to pictures of your achievements. I will be your biggest cheerleader. If you like podcasts, you can find me on Spotify by searching for “Not the Farmers Wife, with a new episode each week. Otherwise, please enjoy the books; I know you will get value from them.

