DR. DAN RATNER is a leading international expert in the mind-body field, host of the Crushing Doubt podcast on YouTube and Apple Podcasts, and author of Crushing Doubt: An Advanced System for Mind-Body Pain and Symptom Relief. After his life-changing experience resolving eight years of chronic back pain through mind-body understanding, he has helped hundreds of pain and symptom sufferers recover. His unique Three Columns System uses science and logic to organize mind-body understanding and alleviate both acute and chronic symptoms. His teaching seminars make comprehensive sense of mind-body processes, putting lingering and problematic questions and doubts to rest. His weekly membership groups allow ongoing, cost-effective access to him to facilitate Columns Work. His book, seminars, and membership groups are available on his website. Dan was raised in Shaker Heights, Ohio. He completed his B.A. at Brown University and received his Psy.D. from Widener University. He was an elementary school teacher with Teach For America in Compton, CA, and a staff member and training director of Fordham University’s Counseling Center in New York City. Now based in Cleveland, Dan’s private practice, dating back to 2007, focuses exclusively on his online groups and short-term consultations for pain and symptom relief.